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4 Ways to Balance Two Jobs or More

In my last post, I revealed that I currently have two jobs and that’s why I’ve been away from this blog so much. Technically I have three jobs now because this blogging, Instagram, and YouTube stuff is SO much work for something that isn’t considered a “real job.” How do I do it all? How can you do it all? Well, you can’t…you just can’t. Just kidding, you definitely can and I definitely do. Keep on reading if you’re interested.

Since I’ve gotten my second job, my…I like to call him my lover…is constantly telling me not to work too hard and believe me, I’m trying. Both of the jobs aren’t crazy demanding, but when you combine them they can be very very draining. However, after a few weeks of being exhausted, I’ve pretty much gotten used to it. The schedule, not the exhaustion. My first piece of advice is to adjust/adapt to your new situation. The first few days are always going to be the hardest and some things are going to fall by the wayside. For me, it was this blog. I initially kind of knew that would happen. You’re going to feel like a zombie by the end of the week and that is normal…ish.


Once I got over the initial adaption process, I was able to think a bit more clearly and I started to schedule my free time a little bit better. Normally I’d come home from either job and take a nap, but now I write, draw or work on my online training. I try to do something cathartic yet productive as possible. Another thing about my work schedule is that I made sure both jobs knew that I wasn’t all that flexible with my schedule due to one another. I can’t stress how important it is to NOT overextend yourself. I honestly love having a built-in excuse for why I can’t sit at another boring business conference all day – its lovely.


Once you’ve got your schedule all figured out, learn how to say NO. People are going to ask you to stay late, come in early or pick up shifts. Of course, if you think you can handle shifting your schedule around then go for it but again, don’t overextend yourself. I personally say no to picking up a shift because it messes up my whole routine for the rest of the day and I hate being off my game. Anyway, say no for you because people will start to take advantage when they just KNOW you’ll stay later or cover their shift. I know this is hard for some out there but you have to take care of yourself no matter what.


My last bit of advice is to take at least a day to rest. I work six days a week and on that seventh day, I am a complete ball of laziness. I will sleep in until 1pm because I know I deserve it and I don’t care what anyone has to say about it. I will get some writing done or run a few errands, but that’s about it. I do make a point to maintain my social life as well, but that is a form of rest for me too. So get your rest you guys and maintain a decent sleeping schedule.


I hope this post was helpful to those out there trying to balance more than one job or a job while trying to create content. It may be difficult, but it is doable and not so far fetched because people do it all the time!

Thanks for reading,


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